High Resolution DTM Process to generate accurate River Network for Efficient Water Resource Management

Automated hydrological feature extra-ction using DTM is gaining popularity with the availability of high resolution remote sensing data. The derived hydrological features from DTM are not only accurate but also accelerate the processing speed of modeling of projects like water resource management and flood risk modeling. Including
modeling there are various hydrological application that needs very accurate hydrological feature information. There are serious problems that exist in
the high resolution DTM. They are artifacts and depressions, which increase in number and exacerbate already existing problems with increasing DTM resolution. Secondly, high resolution DTM consumes lot of processing time and resources, especially while dealing with artifacts and depressions. Artifacts are manmade constructions across the rivers and show their dominance in urban location. The natural depressions like pot-holes, sinks-holes play a major role, especially in the derivation of hydrological features like river network and watershed. The presences of artifacts are also create secondary sinks which again lead to further complications. The above mentioned problems are shift the hydrological features spatially from their
actual geographical locations and it also consume lot of resources and time to process. Consequently, the output models give inaccurate results. This paper demonstrates occurrence of artifacts and depressions and their influence over derived river network. It
also describes the techniques attempting to address/resolve such problems, with special focus on high resolution DTMs.

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