Classifying Software For Reusability
Software reuse has been claimed to be one of the most promising approaches to enhance programmer productivity and
software quality. One of the problems to be addresses to achieve high software reuse is organizing databases of software
experience, in which information on software products and processes is stored and organized to enhance reuse.
The Reuse Description Formalism (RDF) is a generalization of the faceted index approach to classification. It was
initially designed as a tool to help increase reusability of software components at the code level (e.g. functions or
subroutines). The goal of this dissertation is to show that RDF can also be used effectively to represent and reuse other
types of software knowledge.
- CCIS library
- Classification of Hate Speech Using Deep Neural Networks
- Authentification et Identification de Visages basées sur les Ondelettes et les Réseaux de Neurones.
- Etude de cas en Web Usage Mining : Catégorisation des utilisateurs de la connexilon Internet de l’UATL
- Lymphome malin non hodjkinien intra-orbitaire A propos d’un cas
- Contextual Classification Of Remotely Sensed Data Using Map Approach and MRF
- Reuse description formalism
- Reuse library
- Taxonomy