Introducing Error-Treatment as a Motivator of Learners Towards Achievement in the Language Classroom.

The following article deals with error treatment in the language classroom and its role in motivating learners. It starts by asking some questions related to the link between error treatment, motivation and achievement in learning English. Then, the definition of some key constructs such as : feedback, correction, treatment, and repair is introduced. The article proceeds through the statement of the different views of errors, the ways errors should be corrected, the appropriate time of correction, and the corrector preferred by learners. In the second part of the article, motivation and achievement are introduced.
We are backed by a study undertaken in some secondary schools where some 120 pupils and 30 teachers were involved. This study aimed at gaining information on the way errors are dealt with, and the possible effects observed on the learners’ motivation and achievement in learning English.

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Kaouli N.

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