التنمية الإدارية : مدخل بديل للإصلاح والتمكين للتنمية السياسية في الجزائر

This research addresses the existing relationship that brings together the political development process that is meant to be the pivot of the political activity and bureaucracy as a reality in Algeria. We tend to approach, analytically, the available scientific achievements of former studies in link to the practical framework of political development in Algeria. Our results implies that the crisis that had faced the Algerian political system during its political development practice appears in the increasing growth of functional and system bureaucracy occurring in the absence of efficient political parties in hand, and weaknesses of the representative parts in another hand. The crisis is also due to the ambiguity of laws that comes over to political disequilibrium between citizens’ requisites and the global state policy which finally lead to negative impacts on the level the political process.
So, the fact that permits to introduce principal and administrative theories making them in application that follows an administrative way to serve the actual situation. This requires administrative general and deep reforms, to be strengthened by public administration principle and taking into account the administrative environment living the present political, economic and social changes able to coin new civilization values which urges investing administrative theories to yield administrative ethic adequate to a social circumstances. This reform progress can be in realized as complementary action that goes in interaction with the global context that implies the realization of political global sustainable and adequate development.

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