Frequency analysis of the hydrological drought regime. Case of oued Mina catchment in western of Algeria

Hydrological drought is associated with the effects of periods of precipitation shortfalls on surface (stream-flowlevel) or subsurface water supply (ground-water level). The frequency and severity of hydrological drought is often defined on a catchement. As an important random phenomenon in hydrology, the frequency analysis is necessary in the aim to know about the drought’s regime. In order to study the stream flow regime of oued Mina catchment in western of Algeria. Frequency analysis of the drought stream flow is based on analysis of the deficit volume and the corresponding duration, where the basic data is obtained from defined a specific threshold as considered an index of the drought regime. Representative sample of stream flow, allow doing the frequency analysis with the probability distributions : Weibull, Generalized Pareto and Log-Normal for the PDS which will be combined to the probability of the occurrence in threshold level method.

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