Study of solar thermal energy in the north region of Algeria with simulation and modeling of an indirect convective solar drying system.
The objective of this work is to study the feasibility and performances of solar thermal energy in the region of Constantine, situated at
the north of Algeria and if it is profitable to a farmer to use it. The air solar collector is made with cheap available materials and has given
important results with an air heated to more than 60 ºC, with an optimum surface of 3 m2
, inclined with 10 degrees and directed to the
south. Also, coupling the air collector with a drying chamber has given other satisfactory results. It was found that solar drying is
influenced by the collector parameters in particular its surface, by the exterior ambient conditions such as the velocity and the temperature
of the ambient air and also by the dimensions of the agro-alimentary dried product. Adding a heater allow the use of the solar system in
unfavorable climatic conditions.