Simulation of fuzzy-based MPP tracker and performance comparison with perturb & observe method

Photovoltaic electricity is seen as an important source of renewable energy.
The photovoltaic array is an unstable source of power since the peak power point
depends on the temperature and the irradiation level. A maximum peak power point
tracking is then necessary for maximum efficiency. In this work, a maximum power point
tracker for photovoltaic panel is proposed. Fuzzy input parameters, d P / dV and
variation of duty cycle (ΔD) , are used to generate the optimal MPP converter duty cycle,
such that solar panel maximum power is generated under different operating conditions.
A photovoltaic system including a solar panel, a DC-DC converter, a Fuzzy MPP tracker
and a resistive load is modelled and simulated. Finally performance comparison between
fuzzy logic controller and Perturb and Observe method has been carried out witch has
shown the effectiveness of fuzzy logic controller to draw much energy and fast response
against change in working conditions.

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