Hydrogen energy system for cooling habitation located in Ghardaïa using TRNSYS 16

Hydrogen system is mainly based on the Proton Exchange Membrane PEMFC
technology (cogeneration), using hydrogen and air, respectively, as fuel and oxidant. The
heat exhaust is evacuated to the Thermal Storage Tank (TST) which is using in LiBr/H2O
single effect absorption system for residential system cooling. Absorption system is based
on evaporation of the refrigerant (water) in the evaporator in low pressure. Numerical
simulation of the absorption cooling system using the thermal energy of the Proton
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) for residential application situated in the Unit
of Applied Research in Renewable Energy in Ghardaïa (southern Algeria) has been made
and performances was analysed, we have determine the quantity of electrical and thermal
energy generated by the PEMFC. TRNSYS 16 is used to plot initial and final residence
temperatures before and after cooling. The results showed the feasibility of using PEMFC
for cooling.

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