Simulation of PEMFC performance
Throughout literature, there are two approaches to estimate fuel cells (FC)
performance, by the evaluation of polarization curve. One includes, physical modelling of
heat and mass transfer with electrochemical phenomena ; the second is based on semiempirical
equation used in order to analysis the effect of different physical perturbation
on the polarization curve and consider FC as a black box. The aim of this study is to
present a simple but enhanced and accurate expression of PEMFC output voltage. The
model includes operative conditions, current density and geometric parameter of the FC.
- Butler-Volmer equation
- Computer Simulation
- Electrochemical Model
- Fuel cells
- Thin film Si solar cell and solid oxide fuel cell technologies for a low cost, environmentally friendly and sustainable source of energy
- Electrochemical Aided Model to Study Solid Polymer Electrolyte Water Electrolysis
- Effect of O2 and H2 Plasma Treatments on the Properties of CuInSe2 Polycrystalline Thin Films
- Over potential
- Proton Exchange Membrane
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Science et Technologie
Revue des Energies Renouvelables
Volume 14
Numéro 03