Indoor and outdoor photovoltaic modules Performances based on thin films solar cells

This paper summarizes the electrical and thermal characterizations of thin
film PV modules based on amorphous triple junctions (3J : a-Si) and Copper Indium
Selenide (CIS) thin film solar cells. Tests are operated in outdoor exposure and under
natural sunlight of URAER located in Saharan region of Ghardaïa (Algeria) as specific
desert climate environment, characterized by high irradiation and temperature levels as
well as ENEA-Portici located in Naples (Italy) as Mediterranean site. PV modules
performance evaluation was performed according to international standard as diagnostic
test of data manufacturer. We used the thermal infrared analysis to detect the
homogeneity mapping temperature of solar cells in the PV module. Data acquired from
Environmental Operating Conditions (EOC) was converted into solar module output
characteristics at Standard Test Conditions (STC) by using three method suggested by
A.J. Anderson and G. Blaesser as well as the equations already standardized as IEC
60891. Then, based on the investigation results of the conversion equations, these
methods of translation are distinguished by the type of solar cell technology and the application range. A difference between the tests in situ and in natural environment exists,
attributed to various factors but mainly to the mismatch between the spectral responses of PV module and the reference solar cell.

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