Enhancement of hybrid dynamic performance using ANFIS for fast varying solar radiation and fuzzy logic controller in high speeds wind
In this paper, dynamic performance enhancement of grid connected hybrid system consists of wind turbine using PMSG and photovoltaic systems are investigated under different circumstances. In order to maximize the output of solar arrays, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique is used by an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and also control of turbine output power in high speeds wind using pitch angle control technic by fuzzy logic are proposed. For tracking the maximum point, the proposed ANFIS is trained by optimum values. The simulation results show that the ANFIS controller of grid-connected mode can easily meet the load demand and have less fluctuation around the maximum power point (MPP), also it can increase convergence speed to achieve MPP. Also pitch angle controller based on fuzzy logic with inputs such as wind speed and active power can have faster responses which lead us to have flatter power curves, enhance the dynamic performance of wind turbine and prevent the both frazzle and mechanical damages to PMSG. The thorough wind power generation system, PV system and power electronic converter interface by using Matlab/Simulink are proposed.
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Science et Technologie
Journal of Electrical Systems
Volume 11
Issue 01