Copper oxide thin films deposition by spray pyrolysis
CuO thin films have been growth on to heated glass substrates by varying substrate temperatures from 280 to 400°C. The effect of the pyrolysis on structural, optical and electrical proprieties of CuO films has been investigated in the present work. Phase analysis was carried out using Micro-Raman scattering. The optical properties were studied by mean of UV–visible and near infrared spectroscopy. The conductivity was measured by the electrical D.C transport. The structural analysis indicates the presence of a single CuO phase with a monoclinic structure. The optical transmittance spectra show a high absorption of all films in the visible region. The electrical characterization indicates a maximal electrical conductivity of 1,03 × 10-6 (Ω .cm)-1.
Aida Mohamed Salah
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Lamri Zeggar M.
Science et Technologie
Journal of New technology and Materials
Volume 04
Numéro 01