Acacia Arabica plant is well known in the...
Acacia Arabica plant is well known in the region of North African Sahara for its efficiency in the traditional treatment of several diseases such as diarrhoea, eczema, tonsillitis and conjunctivitis. This work was aimed to determine the total phenolic content and antioxid ant activity of methanol:water (8:2) and acetone:water (7:3) extracts of barks of Acacia Arabica growing in Tamanrasset (Algeria). Total phenolic contents of the extracts were determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method and their antioxidant activities were evaluated using Phosphomolybdenum, reducing power and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazine) methods. The highest phenolic content was obtained from acetone:water extract. For the evaluation of an tioxidant activity and for Phosphomolybdenum and Reducing power methods, it was found that the methanol:water extract is more effective than acetone:water extract who has showen more effectiveness by the DPPH method. These results suggest that Acacia Arabica may act as a chemopre ventive agent, providing antioxidant properties.