Solar Charger Sizing
As a part of the optimization of photovoltaic energy extraction, an optimization of each individual component is required. This paper focuses on the optimization of solar attery charger block and presents a new method to track the maximum power point and the load regulation. For this purpose, we proposed a specific architecture and design of a high-reliable, robust, stable, miniaturized system. We sized a photovoltaic charger to regulate the battery charger that employs an intelligent algorithm including the criteria of reliability.
- Buck converter
- charges regulator
- Effect of a buffer layer on the Performance of Thin-film Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells
- Numerical simulation of radiation damage on the device performance of GaAs MESFETs
- Electrical characteristics of Organic Light Emitting Diode “OLED” finite difference modeling
- Design and simulation of a valveless piezoelectric micropump for fuel delivery in fuel cell devices
- Reflection optimization of a multicrystalline solar cell embedded in a photovoltaic module
- Sizing
- Solar battery charger
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fr Science et Technologie Journal of Electrical Systems Volume 11 Issue 02 ?