Fuzzy logic

info articles lies mot


A Simple Fuzzy Logic Approach for Induction Motors Stator Condition Monitoring

Benbouzid M., Mamoune A., Zeraoulia M., Mangel H.

Enhancement of hybrid dynamic performance using ANFIS for fast varying solar radiation and fuzzy logic controller in high speeds wind

Rezvani Alireza, Izadbakhsh Maziar, Gandomkar Majid

Fuzzy Logic Controlled DC-DC Converter Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer

Inci Mustafa, Tugçe Demirdelen, Tümay Mehmet

Maximum power point tracking using a fuzzy logic control scheme

Aït Cheikh M.S., Zerguerras A., Larbès C. , Tchoketch Kebir G.F.

Real time motion detection on dynamic scenes Study and implementation with reconfigurable technology

Zitouni B., Mostefai M., Roussel M.

Simulation of fuzzy-based MPP tracker and performance comparison with perturb & observe method

Silvestre S., Chouder A., Guijoan F.

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