Accueil > Science et Technologie > Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation > Volume 01 > Volume 01

Volume 01

Articles de cette rubrique

Semi-Analytical Method Based on Magnetic Equivalent Circuit for Synchronous Permanent-Magnet Machines in EV and HEV Applications

Concentrated Winding Permanent-Magnet (PM) Synchronous Machines (CWPMSM) are more and more used to drive electromechanical systems working in variable speed mode, such as Electric Vehicle (EV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) applications. In order to design and optimize these machines, the authors propose a semi-analytical method based on magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC).

The studied structure, 12-slots/8-poles CWPMSM, is an internal rotor topology with surface mounted PMs having radial magnetization. We compare the results obtained with finite-element analysis (FEA) with those given by the MEC. In this paper both precision and time computation are evaluated in order to analyse the possible implementation of the model in an optimal design tool.

Analysis of the Electromagnetic Interferences between Overhead Power Lines and Buried Pipelines

The Analysis of electromagnetic interference between high voltage overhead power transmission lines and nearby gas/oil pipeline has been a topic of growing interest for many years. When pipelines are located in shared row with power lines, the pipeline can incur high induced voltages and currents due the AC interference. The induced voltage on pipeline can be dangerous for operator to touch the pipeline as well as pipe corrosion can result from AC discharge. This research evaluates and analyzes the electromagnetic interference effects on oil and gas buried pipelines created by the nearby high voltage transmission lines. The aim is to evaluate the AC corrosion likelihoods of pipelines and suggest proper mitigation solutions.

Simulation of Photovoltaic generator Connected To a Grid

This paper presents the mathematical and the total Matlab-simulink model of the various components, of the photovoltaic power station connected to a network, (PSCN), namely the model of the photovoltaic generator. It is a comprehensive behavioural study which performed according to varying conditions of solar insulation and temperature. The photovoltaic generator and the inverter of singlephase current are modeled. The former by using a mathematical model that gives the values of
maximum power according to the variation of the weather conditions, and the latter by a source of voltage controlled by voltage in order to inject a sinusoidal current and to estimate or predict the energy injected monthly or annually into the network.

Performances d’une centrale à concentrateur de Fresnel de moyenne puissance sur sites Algériens

L’objectif du présent travail est de caractériser une centrale à concentrateur de Fresnel de moyenne puissance (5MWe) sur différents sites Algériens (Sahara), ces sites ont été choisis pour comparaison en déplaçant la centrale dans ces derniers, à savoir Hassi-R’mel, Tamanrasset, Béni-Abbes, et El Oued.
Une modélisation théorique a permis la détermination du nombre optimum des miroirs à ne pas dépasser pour éviter les effets d’ombre, blocage et l’effet cosinus. Le nombre optimum de miroirs a été estimé à 40 miroirs. Par ailleurs, une simulation a été réalisée à l’échelle horaire : elle concerne l’ensoleillement, le système ‘champ’, et le système ‘récepteur’. Les résultats de la simulation sont représentés en moyenne annuels. Les rendements, la production énergétique annuelle, et le coût du kWh sont évalués. En effet, le calcul du rendement diffère d’un site à un autre avec des valeurs de 15.7%, 11.8%,11.6%, et 10.4% respectivement pour les sites Tamanrasset, El Oued, Béni-Abbes, Hassi R’mel. Les performances thermiques et les résultats technico-économiques sont évalués aussi pour ces mêmes sites.

Diagnostic des défauts à base d’observateur dans un système éolien

The wind energy participates strongly in the electric power production in the industrial world. As all industrial systems, the wind turbine can be threatened by anomalies that are likely to cause damages of its performances or even to provoke a total stop of the installation. Therefore the fault diagnosis methods are necessary. In this article, in order to anticipate the apparition of a dysfunction, either to avoid them, or to limit the consequences, we used a model-based fault diagnosis technique to detect and isolate sensor and actuator faults in the pitch systems of the wind turbine blades. It is about an observer applied on a "Benchmark’’ model for fault detection and isolation faults (FDI) in a wind turbine, the results of simulation by MATLAB / SIMULINK are presented to validate the efficiency of this diagnosis method.

Improved incremental conductance method for maximum power point tracking using cuk converter

The Algerian government relies on a strategy focused on the development of inexhaustible resources such as solar and uses to diversify energy sources and prepare the Algeria of tomorrow : about 40% of the production of electricity for domestic consumption will be from renewable sources by 2030, Therefore it is necessary to concentrate our forces in order to reduce the application costs and to increment their performances, Their performance is evaluated and compared through theoretical analysis and digital simulation. This paper presents simulation of improved incremental conductance method for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) using DC-DC cuk converter. This improved algorithm is used to track MPPs because it performs precise control under rapidly changing Atmospheric conditions, Matlab/ Simulink were employed for simulation studies.

Commande Vectorielle Sans Capteur d’un Moteur Asynchrone Associée à un Observateur de Kubota

Cette étude concerne l’observation et la commande du moteur asynchrone sans capteur mécanique. L’objectif est de proposer une loi de commande sans capteur mécanique utilisant un observateur adaptatif estimant la vitesse, sur la base d’un mécanisme d’adaptation de Kubota. Le but principal est de parvenir à un contrôle simple, adaptatif et performant, ce qui va nous permettre de tester et d’évaluer les performances de l’observateur proposé, associé à la commande sans capteur du moteur asynchrone, en ayant comme informations disponibles les courants et les tensions statoriques. L’algorithme proposé consiste en un observateur reconstruisant les composantes du flux rotorique et un mécanisme basé sur un l’algorithme de Kubota, et générant la loi d’adaptation pour l’estimation de la vitesse.
Des tests sont effectués et validés par voie expérimentale, les résultats obtenus illustrent de bonnes performances en terme de robustesse, vis-à-vis des variations des paramètres du moteur et montrent l’excellente qualité de la loi de commande associée à l’observateur, malgré les problèmes d’observabilité lorsque le moteur fonctionne à basse vitesse.

Transformer core modeling for magnetizing inrush current investigation

The inrush currents generated during an energization of power transformer can reach very high values and may cause many problems in power system. This magnetizing inrush current which occurs at the time of energization of a transformer is due to temporary overfluxing in the transformer core. Its magnitude mainly depends on switching parameters such as the resistance of the primary winding and the point-on-voltage wave (switching angle). This paper describes a system for measuring the inrush current which is composed principally of an acquisition card (EAGLE), and LabVIEW code. The system is also capable of presetting various combinations of switching parameters for the energization of a 2 kVA transformer via an electronic card. Moreover, an algorithm for calculating the saturation curve is presented taking the iron core reactive losses into account, thereby producing a nonlinear inductance. This curve is used to simulate the magnetizing inrush current using the ATP-EMTP software.

Etude comparative des techniques de filtrage actif sélectif par référentiel synchrone de Park d-q et approche FMV

To minimize the total harmonic distortion (THD) and improve the power factor (PF), this paper presents a comparative study between two techniques of shunt power active filter (SPAF) by a selective action of harmonics. These two techniques are based on the SAPF of certain low frequency harmonics (5th and 7th) whose identification of the harmonics of references of the first is made by the axis synchronous d-q of the Park, and the second is done by the approach of self-tuning filter (STF) Thereafter, The active simultaneously filtering of the 5th and 7th harmonics of the current of load catches. The shapes of the signals and the THD values resulting from the results of digital simulations (Matlab-Simulink) elaborate the effectiveness and the best technique of this type of filtering

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